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convert colors

Changing the color profile to image
There are situations that require us to change the color profile for images.
This is because our application automatically assigns the color profile based on the settings you choose in the Color Settings dialog box.
We can manually change the color profile to prepare an image with a different output
Change the profile recommended for advanced users.

we can change the color profile for a picture in the following manner:
Set the new profile. color numbers in the figure remains the same,
but the new profile may dramatically change the appearance of colors displayed on your monitor.
Remove the profile so that images are no longer color-managed.
Conversion of color in the picture into a different color space profiles.
The amount of color shift in an effort to preserve the original color appearances.

Steps to change the color in Photoshop is:

1.Select Edit> Convert To Profile.

2.Dalam Destination Space, choose the color profile that we want to convert the color.
3.Gambar will be converted to a new profile.
4.Dalam Conversion Options, specify a color management, rendering intent, and black point and dither options.
5.Untuk Flatten all layers on the conversion, select Flatten Image.
6.Untuk see the effects of conversion in the image, select Preview.
7.preview becomes more accurate if we choose Flatten Image.

1 comment for "convert colors"

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