Blending mode
Blending mode is specified in the options bar: how to control the pixels in the image that affect the painting.
Very helpful in determining when we visualize the color blending effect
The base is the original color of the image.
The blend color is the color applied with a painting or editing tool.
The result color is the color resulting from the mixture.
layer's blending mode determines how the pixels blend with underlying pixels in the image.
We can create various special effects using blending modes.
By default, the blending mode of a group is that the group does not possess its own mix.
Very helpful in determining when we visualize the color blending effect
The base is the original color of the image.
The blend color is the color applied with a painting or editing tool.
The result color is the color resulting from the mixture.
layer's blending mode determines how the pixels blend with underlying pixels in the image.
We can create various special effects using blending modes.
By default, the blending mode of a group is that the group does not possess its own mix.
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