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PHOTOSHOP : Creating Black & White Photos

We will learn to convert a color image converted into the
black-and-white format.
If we have a photo that looks mediocre, possibly because
the color is too general, that looks dull. Why do not we just change the
black-and-white format. If the proper handling, the picture will appear
more artistic and interesting. In practice this time, we will learn how
change color photo to black-white and then setting
artistic impression of her to appear in the photo. Actually quite easy to change
color photo to black and white. Just click Image> Mode> Grayscale. Click OK if
We are presented with the question "Discard Color Information". Photo We will immediately turn black
white. After replaced with Grayscale mode, automatically changing images
to black and white. Of course, this technique is very easy and the results are not necessarily satisfactory. We must
perform additional steps to enhance your photos. The first time,
click Image> Adjustments> Levels. Level window, enter the following settings on the box

Input Levels: 50, 1:40, 200. Setting this level will make the contrast of black and white increasingly higher
again. That way, more detailed images can be created.


1 comment for "PHOTOSHOP : Creating Black & White Photos"

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